Even if you’ve done your research and calculated your ROI, there still can be some doubt that a new tech tool will have the impact you’re hoping for. Will it work like it should? Will your crew even use it?
SPARK helped deploy a digital form to more than 650 construction job sites in 2020. What was the result? The data shows that your crews ARE READY to use digital tools!
At the start of the year, project managers and site supervisors faced a serious challenge with COVID-19. Managers had to consider how to meet CDC guidelines and comply with screening requirements for workers on their job sites or in their facilities.
What was at stake? The health of their crew and the success of their project.
At the start of the pandemic though, most firms only had paper health screening forms at their disposal. This required workers huddling at entrances or job trailers to fill out the forms. And, someone had to manually watch, flag, and alert managers of any workers who posed a risk.
Construction leaders quickly realized that paper forms and manual alerting (while tolerated before) wasn’t going to be efficient or effective enough as a long term solution. Now, it was time to do digital.
Want to see how else construction leaders are transforming their job sites with digital tools? Register now for our upcoming webinar!
From our experience partnering with leading trade contractors to build mobile apps (time entry, scheduling, safety, etc), we know that data entry on the job needs to be a fast, easy, and simple experience for your workers. Otherwise, slow and clunky digital forms still cause frustration, and crews may not adopt them at all
Here’s how SPARK deployed our free Safety Forms product to job sites across the country:
Nothing to download. No waiting on the data. Fill out the form, and get on with the job.
See the Safety Forms in action:
In the first five months of its release, SPARK’s Safety Form has captured more than 250,000 submissions. Here’s why that matters for your company and the opportunity to operate more efficiently:
No new hardware
Most of your workers already carry smartphones and they’re comfortable entering information in them. Mobile forms or apps are always within reach of your crew — they’re convenient, familiar, and easy.
Easy to distribute
Because the form is digital, it can be shared with your workers in different ways, whether it’s a QR code, email, text, or through a company portal. You’re not stuck relying on paperwork that’s only available on location like an on-site trailer.
Speed and accuracy
Our mobile health screening tool streamlines a clunky process. It takes only a minute before entering a job site. All form submissions are automatically saved to a single place where you can manage the data.
Automated alerting
Unlike paper forms, you can set up rules that automatically send alerts to managers about things that matter to your company. You don’t have to manually sift through mounds of paperwork to check on one worker’s submission.
Customization to work the way you work
While SPARK launched a free standard job site screening template that works for most, we’ve also helped many companies launch custom versions. The best digital tools can be customized to include whatever you need.
This allows for an app to collect the data that matters most, while also being designed to hide everything else (so you can keep it simple for your crews).
How many daily or weekly forms could you streamline if you had a simple workflow that connected all your data? Many trades start with time entry, T & M, safety, or equipment tracking.
Accessing health screening forms on mobile devices is just one example of how to leverage new technology on your job sites. They’ve shown us that your crews are ready.
If you want to hear about what else is possible, join us for our upcoming webinar to see how big the opportunity is for digital tools. We’ll show more examples from leading Michigan firms who: